Free Or Premium Membership

Our club is designed to help people connect from all over the world. We want all members to have access to penpals and have ensured our free offering is available to all.

Is Global Penfriends Free - whats included?

Free members are able to search and send messages. Every member receives 1 contact credit every 12 to 24 hours. You can use contact credits to start a conversation with a new penpal. Once the first message is sent, no further contact credits are required to continue this conversation by either the sender or recipient.

After a contact credit is used, you must wait between 12 to 24 hours before you will receive a new contact credit. This delay is designed to remove spam from the club and to ensure quality connections are being made. The free credits will always be available for the life of your profile.

If you don't have a contact credit available, you can send penpals a smile. The recipient of a virtual smile will receive an email with a link back to your profile. The virtual smile will let the recipient know that you are interested in making contact. This is a great way to increase connections.

Free members have access to 80% of all members within their age and gender constraints. 20% of profiles are randomly selected to be unavailable to each free member profile. Having access to 80% of the clubs members still allows good access to penpals whilst allowing us to provide a benefit to those members that support the maintenance and adminstration of the club.

Premium Membership - Why Upgrade?

Upgrading can assist you in finding the right penpals, quickly and efficiently. Premium members do not require contact credits. You can message any penpal at anytime.

You will have access to 100% of profiles within your age and gender constraints.

All advertising is disabled. This allows for a cleaner interface and helps you focus on finding penpals.

Premium members can access premium profile data. This data shows extra information that can assist the search for the right penpals. Premium data includes information such as the last time a penpal signed in, how long they have been registered, If they have read their last message, If they consistently reply to messages, if they have been reported, and what age and gender they usually initiate contact with.

Premium members will have access to various browsing statistics. You can see who has messaged you, who has viewed your profile, who has sent you a smile and who has favorited you. These lists help you stay organised and keep you updated on interest in your own profile.

Note that as a premium member, you can browse the site anonymously, you will have access to extra privacy controls that allow you to hide your own premium data and also be hidden from the statistics lists (Hot Lists).

To assist premium members on their penpal journey - we provide 2 extra penpal ebooks that provide extra tips on Keeping Friendships and A guide to Penpal Stationery.

We are always adding extra functionality to ensure our premium offering is good value and worthwhile.