Portugal's Meaning Of Life

What is the Meaning of Life?
Life is so simple, yet so complicated in our eyes! why? Here I am thinking of the true meaning of life and I find myself sighing, not because life didn't give me many wonderful moments and opportunities, but because I didn't understand the full meaning of these moments.

Life may not be just, but it's simply breathe taking. Every small step we take can make life better. So why complain and be so negative. When we stop a minute to observe the magnitude of nature, we realise we are small, but nevertheless we can make all the difference. That's what life is all about! Making choices living and learning!

Of course, life isn't a present wrapped up in shining ribbons, but its always a present that caused underscriptable emotions. Life is about giving and receiving. The more you give, the more you receive! Thats the truth. Life lives in our mind and heart, so find the strength in you and not somewhere else. Don't wish for tomorrow, don't wish for tomorrow, don't wish you were different, don't let fear blind you or despair beat you.

Love life, every second of it! There are no right answers or shortcuts so breathe deep and feel the peace! You will make it, I'm sure!