

15, Female

Troy,  KS,  United States of America  

I am an outgoing person I love to read, sing,dance and help other people even though I suffer from ADHD I am bubbly but I don't like school just my teachers I would say I am a very! funny person, I wish for a gray cat even though I have 2 rabbits. I am mainly interested in a female but it will be ok if you are a boy. I would like to do snail mail and book swapping maybe treat swapping and like playlist stuff I DO NOT LIKE BULLIES! They are awful a secret thing about me is I am ME I get told I can be annoying but yeah thats mainly all you need to know about me I can't wait to get to know u all!
About Me
BornUnited States of America
Religion-Prefer not to say-
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
Looking forCandy Swap
Mail art (Aesthetic) Pal
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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