

15, Female

Hagen,  Nordrhein-Westfalen,  Germany  

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Helloo I don't know how to start this, anyway, im doing this because I want to try and make more friends this summer. I like reading im currently reading a good girls guide to muder (im on the 3rd book rn!), i also likedrawing, harry potter also I'm really interested in sciences like chemestry and physics (even though im not that good at it) i also like listening to music, my favourite artists right now are paris paloma and the neighbourhood. one of my favourite hobbies is also conteplationg life and the universe (i think its so interesting omg!!!!)
About Me
Religion-Prefer not to say-
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
Looking forCandy Swap
Mail art (Aesthetic) Pal
Parcel Exchange
Pocket Letter Pal
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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